Google AuthorRank: Fact or Fiction

Google AuthorRank, One of the challenges with Internet marketing is that the landscape is always changing. Social networks come and go. New trends gain traction. And there’s always a Google algorithm change looming. Already this year we’ve talked about how Facebook is implementing their own internal search called Graph Search. And mentioned how Google’s encryption of keywords used in search is wreaking havoc with search engine marketers and website owners. Now, we have the rumors of Google to deal with and wonder how that is going to affect search engine rankings.

How do I get Google Authorship Credit?

Google has long denied that authorship credit will affect result rankings in search engines. Leading many to wonder if it was even real. It turns out that Google is very real. Mark Traphagen was astute enough to notice this quote within a book Middle East Mobile Number List announcement from TechCrunch from Google Chairman Eric Schmidt: “Within search results, information tied to verified online profiles will be ranked higher than content without such verification, which will result in most users naturally clicking on the top (verified) results. The true cost of remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance.”

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Why is Google AuthorRank Important?

That sounds like not only is Google real, it’s coming soon to a theatre near you. What is Google Authorship and If you’re not familiar Brazil phone number list with Google Authorship and the concept of the idea is that content that you produce is tied to your Google+ profile. You may have noticed that when doing a Google search, some authors get their profile image displayed next to the article, along with their name and how many Google+ circles they’re in. By connecting authors and author profiles Google is able to provide search results that come from.

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